Film Poster: Evaluation

Film Poster: Evaluation

Once you have printed out both your Film Poster and your Teaser Poster you need to start your evaluation. 

Answer the following questions in a Word Document and copy and paste your Film Poster and Teaser Poster into. You can then answer the following questions regarding those poster.

Film Poster

Question 1: 
Does your poster clearly convey the film's genre of Action/Adventure? Explain.

Question 2: 

Does your poster effectively demonstrate what the plot of your film may be about? Why?

Question 3: 
Explain the reasons for your choice of font.

Question 4: 

Explain your reasons for the choice of images (background etc.) in detail.

Question 5: 

Are the roles of your characters clear for the audience, such as protagonist/antagonist?

Question 6: 

In as much detail as you can, evaluate the success of your poster and explain what you have done well and what you would have liked to improve.

Teaser Poster

Question 1:
How does your teaser poster intrigue your audience into finding out more?

Question 2:
Explain what is successful about your poster.
