Radio: Creating your Website

Website Creation

For your assessment for this topic you will be assessed on the quality and presentation of your work. You will need to create a website to display the following on separate pages:

  1. Radio Show Profile
  2. Script for your opening show (15 minutes maximum)
  3. Target Audience Profile
  4. Presenter Profile
  5. Music Playlist or interviews/guests
  6. Radio Station's Schedule (including your show)
To create your website we will be using Wix.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT pay for any premium features and DO NOT publish your website.

STEP ONE: Go to and sign up using your school email address; use a memorable password that you will not forget.

STEP TWO: Create your website!
Play around using the easy to use features and remember you are being assessed on your presentation skills as well. Think carefully about layout, colour, font etc.
